The Costs of Data Center Downtime and How to Prevent It With TÜViT´s EN50600/ ISO 22237 Approach

Data centers are the backbone of the modern digital economy and play the key role in ensuring the economic growth of many states. The importance of data centers goes beyond the pure existence of some physical servers in a building, but they ensure the critical operations of many applications and companies. Governmental institutions and most companies will not be able to operate or produce if a downtime in their data centers occurs. 

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5 puntos que no pueden faltar en la auditoría ISO 27001

Pongámonos en ese momento. Su auditoría ISO 27001 está planificada y usted está ocupado preparando la organización lo mejor posible ¡Está muy cerca! Después de todo, la auditoría externa es un momento clave. Sabemos que en ese momento, usted solo desea que se reconozca su arduo trabajo y puede escuchar las palabras redentoras: “El certificado ha llegado”.

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The Strive for Quality and Value: Data Center Certifications – TÜViT


The data center industry is experiencing a rapid growth in the recent years.
Most of the innovations that will pave the way to the future like autonomous driving, 5G and ev
en artificial innovations demand huge amounts of data to be processed in order to function properly, which leads to a tremendous growth of data centers – from edge DCs to hyperscale DCs.  It becomes clear that data centers play a crucial role, when human lives are dependent on the availability of these infrastructures, as for example in the case of autonomous driving, which would not be possible to function without the use of data centers that process the enormous amounts of data.

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